Pig farmer Govert Frederix
18 February 22

100% of our pig farmers are members of Varken op z'n Best (Pig at its Best)

We have great news! As of 1 January this year, 100% of our pig farmers have joined Varken op z'n Best (Pig at its Best)! A great milestone that we have reached together! With great thanks to the livestock team of Best Star Meat: Ilonka van der Wagt, Waelko Waalkens and Stan Quinten. In the past year 2021, they have invested a lot of time in visiting all the pig farmers, holding discussions and ultimately getting them to sign up for 'Varken op z'n Best'. 



What is Pig at its Best again? 
Back in 2018, the idea of introducing a new chain concept to the market arose. This new concept was developed in 1.5 years and given the name Pig at its Best. On 1 October 2020, the new chain concept 'Pig at its Best' was launched. It is Van Loon Group's innovative chain concept to increase the quality of pork and make the chain transparent, sustainable and manageable. Chain partners who are part of Varken op z'n Best are feed suppliers AgruniekRijnvallei, De Heus Voeders and ForFarmes, veterinary practices De Varkenspraktijk Someren, AdVee dierenartsen and Oosthof dierenartsen and breeding organisations PIC and Topigs Norsvin. 

What are the next steps in 2022? 
Now that all pig farmers have joined the 'Pig at its Best' initiative, we can continue to build a sustainable pig farming sector. The year 2022 will be marked by the further development of 'Pig at its Best'. This includes reducing the CO2 footprint, reducing the use of antibiotics and using circular raw materials in animal feed, for example.