Van Loon Group consists of passionate, innovative and progressive producers of meat and convenience products: Best Star Meat Beef, Best Star Meat Pork, Van Loon Best, Van Loon Eersel, Van Loon Noord, Van Loon Son, Brandenburg Culinair, Enkco, Bonfait and Maître. These locations differ in size, product range and customer profile but are exactly the same in their drive: continuous improvement and innovation. Together, we guarantee high-quality and safe meat products and meals. Together with our customers, we translate the ever-changing needs of consumers into appealing meat concepts, meat products and meals.

Our companies

Fresh retail

Van Loon Best serves the retail market with pre-packed meat products. The company is based in Best.

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Van Loon Group Support is the organisation within Van Loon Group that houses all support services. The head office of Van Loon Group and located in Son. 

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Cooked meat products

Van Loon Eersel is an intercompany production site. Here, cooked meat products are produced for retail and food service companies within Van Loon Group.

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Fresh retail

Van Loon Noord serves the Retail market with pre-packed meat products. The company is based in Beilen. 

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Fresh retail

Van Loon Son supplies an extensive range of pre-packaged meat products and meat substitutes to the international retail market.

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Foodservice | B2B

Enkco sells the tastiest meat and convenience products for the foodservice and B2B market. They supply both under their own brand and under Private Label to catering wholesalers, holiday parks and meal producers, among others.

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Fresh retail

Brandenburg Culinary offers its customers tailor-made meat concepts such as oven-ready meat dishes, BBQ products and other specialities.

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beef cutting plant Best Star Meat
Raw materials

Best Star Meat Beef specialises in the expert processing of cattle from dairy farms. 

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Raw materials

Best Star Meat Pork supplies pork to other Van Loon Group businesses and to industrial customers.

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Ready meals

Bonfait produces and sells ready meals, meal components, salads and pasta salads, soups and sauces.

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Wokken Serie 1
Soups and meals

Maître specialises in cooking fresh meals, components and soups. 

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Happy to help you

Would you like to get in touch with Van Loon Group or one of the Van Loon Group companies? You can find our contact details below.